Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Paradoxium Returns #19: Life on Ta'Ris

I've been busy, what else can I say?

Funny story. The events you are about to read - two Otroid of the opposite gender sitting on a surface with a potentially harmful and long fall nearby - are, in Otroid culture, considered to be like kinda a date, but different. No, I did not plan for this comic to be posted on Valentine's Day, but what do you know, it just happened to work out that way. I guess procrastination can pay off... sometimes.

Oh, what a pretty constellation.

  • That's correct. A Quaro Elder is indeed a Paradoxian.
  • There are indeed multiple ways to summon a Paradox Orb. This method takes the longest amount of time and memory, as certain orbs are summoned by picturing a symbol instead of an object or phenomenon in this way. Another method is relying on the Paradox Energy to make an orb for you, but that method is incredibly risky.
Howard H. Drammond

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