Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Paradoxium Returns #16: Several Solutions

So yesterday, I started to make a list - not a graphical encyclopedia, but a list - of ALL the species that I've developed for the Omniverse, from the Third Dimension and beyond. I got to 43 (one of which is comprised of about the same number of subspecies), and I'm still missing quite a few.

Anyways, on to the comic:

They're smiling in this one. That makes me happy.

  • These notes are becoming less and less necessary now. 
  • The translucent character in the panel where Serpent is talking of the Quaro Elders is, well, a Quaro Elder.
Yup, that's about it. I would've posted yesterday, but there was too much fun stuff going on - and by that, I mean birthday celebrations.

Howard H. Drammond

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Paradoxium Returns #15: Double Paradox

This week's comic is much better than last week's... believe me. Also, the backgrounds will be getting much more interesting in the upcoming comics - I've decided that if I don't detail them on paper, I don't detail them on the computer.

Yo dawg, I heard you liked Paradoxes, so I put a Paradox in your Paradox so you can confuse while you confuse. If that's not your style, then BWONG! Inception.


  • In case I haven't made it clear, Paradoxians (those able to create Paradox Orbs) that are members of the organization Paradoxium (more info on them later) are to destroy paradoxes, as they create entropic forces. Most of this info can be found in #13.
  • Double Paradoxes create a squared amount of entropic forces. The reason that nothing disintegrates around Rackat and Tegra is because they create very small amounts, but nonetheless, they do indeed create it.
  • The laws of conservation of matter/energy do apply in this omniverse.
Howard H. Drammond

P.S. If you have a Wii, you should get The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. It's amazingly fun.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Paradoxium Returns #14: The Sensing

Well, here we are again. It's the first Tuesday of the month of December, so that means we've almost been going for five months. As for the comic, this week, we have one that develops the Omniverse a little bit more.

Just as day breaks, so does darkness form...

  • This comic was long in production: the first half was on the original comic, but the second half required me to make an entirely separate scan. It originally had something to do with Death himself, but I decided that the plot would do much better going in a different direction.
  • Remember the guy with the white sphere head from number 3? Also, look at the panel before that one - it's Zips!
  • Paradoxium used to be large - over 100 members - but after a battle five years earlier, the number of members dropped down to 20-30 members.
  • Quick reminder: A Paradoxian is anybody that can summon a Paradox Orb.
Howard H. Drammond